Workshop 5: Improving Robotics-Assisted Stroke Rehabilitation

Organizers: Kostas Nizamis and Noortje Rijken

Timeslot: 13:30 – 16:30
Room: Carré 2K



Rehabilitation robotics are extensively researched for years and used to augment rehabilitation. This research topic is approached by both engineers and clinicians. Nevertheless, the results of involving technology in Stroke rehabilitation are not impressive. We assume two potential reasons for this. The first is the current use of technology in Stroke rehabilitation. Robots are used so far as a substitute or addition to rehabilitation specialists. What if we use them out-of-the-box? The second reason is the clinical application. If the developers are not fully aware of the underlying processes of rehabilitation and the importance of engaging the patient, technology alone cannot do much. Thus by applying technology in a meaningful way and by motivating the patient, we might achieve better results. Thus the title (use it or lose it) refers to both technology and its clinical application. In line with the proposed topic, we plan to gather a multidisciplinary group of speakers including ethicists, engineers, doctors, and physiotherapists. One expert will first present the results of robotics motor rehabilitation for stroke over the years. The first half of the symposium will discuss how robotic technology can be more creative and outline new trends in robotic stroke rehabilitation and the second half aims to point out how important is the efficient clinical application of robotics. The six experts will discuss each topic and will be motivated to offer experiences, opinions, and facts to challenge the current status quo. The last part of the session will involve a panel discussion between the speakers and the audience. We hope that this symposium will spark new collaborations between people and create new prospects for robotic stroke rehabilitation.

Speakers and Agenda:


  • Geert Verheyden: Robotics motor rehabilitation for Stroke: Where are we standing?

 Part 1: Challenging the current use of technology (60 minutes, 20 minutes per speaker):

  • Arno Stienen: The commercial standpoint regarding robotic rehabilitation
  • Nathanaël Jarrassé: Physical Human-Machine interaction and stroke rehabilitation
  • Heike Schmidt-Felzmann: Ethical design of rehabilitation robotics

Part 2: Engaging the patient (40 minutes, 20 minutes per speaker):

  • Lena Ting: Understanding the human will improve the technology
  • Jaap Buurke: Integrating rehabilitation robotics and physical therapy for stroke rehabilitation
